How To Detect Manganese In Your Water Supply

Manganese may sound intimidating and harmful, but in fact it’s quite the opposite. Manganese is a mineral that is naturally present in the earth. It’s actually commonly found in grains and vegetables and is an important part in our diet. However, when manganese is present in our water supply it is often in large amounts, which can be unhealthy.


How To Detect Manganese

One of the biggest giveaways that manganese is present in your drinking water supply are visible stains on your sinks, toilets and showers. If you find brown or black stains it’s likely that your water supply has high levels of manganese. Additionally, odor or a bad taste may point in the direction of abundant manganese. If you’re not sure if your water supply system has manganese, give us a call at Reynolds Purified Water. We can provide a manganese test to determine if your water has unhealthy levels of manganese.


How A Manganese Removal System Works

A manganese removal system consists of a tank filled with manganese removal media (calcium carbonate, magnesium oxide, sand, and gravel), distributor tube, valve, and aspirator. As water passes through the aspirator it comes in contact with air and converts the manganese in solution to a solid. The water then travels through the manganese system and the manganese is physically trapped in the tank. Every 4-6 days the system automatically backwashes the trapped manganese down the drain and leaves a clean tank to continue removing additional manganese.

Manganese Removal System Maintenance

A manganese system should be serviced once a year by a professional by cleaning and replacing some of the material inside of the tank.
Interested in getting your water tested or having a manganese removal system installed? Call us or click here for a quote to get started.