Acid Neutralizers: How They Work

If you’re finding blue-green stains on your sinks and bathtubs, you may be dealing with water that is slightly acidic. In order to reduce the acidity of your drinking water you can install an acid neutralizer. But first, how can you be sure that your water is acidic? There are a few ways to test water acidity to help you determine if you’re in need of an acid neutralizer. At Reynolds Purified Water we’re here to help point out the water warning signs and give you the 411 on acid neutralizers to help you decide if they’re the best choice for your home.


Warning Signs Your Water Is Acidic

The first tell tale sign that your water is acidic are blue-green stains around your faucet, sinks, showers and bathtubs. These stains are indicators that your water is beginning to erode your copper pipes, meaning your water is acidic. Once the copper in the water is released into the air, it creates blue-green stains. Another way to see if your water is acidic is to test it. At Reynolds Purified Water we offer pH testing kits and inspections so you can make sure your water is at safe levels for washing and drinking.


How To Remedy Acidic Water 

Once you’ve determined your water supply is acidic, it’s time to take action. The best way to get rid of acidic water and return your water back to a neutral state is to have an acid neutralizer installed. An acid neutralizer system consists of a tank filled with calcium carbonate. As the acidic water passes through the bed of calcium, it safely and effectively corrects the pH level to neutral. Once neutral, your water will no longer dissolve copper from your pipes, damage fixtures and leave stains. An acid neutralizer typically requires a yearly checkup so professionals can replace the calcium carbonate.


The Benefits Of Acid Neutralizers

Having water that is acidic is dangerous to your pipes and fixtures. By taking action to remedy the pH level of your water you will save yourself time and money in pipe and fixture repairs down the road. An acid neutralizer is a simple way to fix a big problem so don’t hesitate to call in the professionals as soon as you notice any of those blue-green stains.


At Reynolds Purified Water our water purification and testing services will help provide you with the cleanest and best tasting water in your home. Don’t hesitate to give us a call and set up a free consultation!