Total Dissolved Solids in Your Water


Clean drinking water is one of our most important resources and it’s important to understand what types of minerals and chemicals are in our water supply. Depending on where your water comes from or if a water filter is used, it may have a certain amount of total dissolved solids in it. There are different types of TDS that may be present in your drinking water. This might seem like a cause for concern at first, but first take a look at the facts to learn more about what total dissolved solids really are.

Total dissolved solids are minerals or any other types of materials that have been dissolved in the water. This usually includes salts like potassium, magnesium, chloride and more. These solids may come from various places, depending on what is near the water source. The origin of these minerals is often something like urban runoff or industrial wastewater. Dissolved solids might also come from the pipes through which the water travels. They can come from more natural sources as well, like mineral springs and salt deposits.


Are Total Dissolved Solids Safe?

Water with some total dissolved solids in it is usually safe to drink if you are already healthy. However, if the levels are too high, it may not be very safe or pleasant to ingest at all. The best way to test your water for these substances is to contact a local water testing company. At Reynolds Purified Water, we can test your water supply for TDS to determine if they’re at a safe level. An effective and relatively easy way to remove most solids from your drinking water is to use a water filter. A water filter will strain out the most harmful minerals and keep your TDS level safe and low.


Clean, safe water is something that a lot of us can occasionally take for granted. We might not realize its importance until a large amount of minerals begin turning up in our water. Knowing the facts about these things can help you deal with it in the best possible way. Get familiar with what is safe and what isn’t. Test your water and use a filter if necessary. Clean drinking water means a healthier you.
To schedule a water test and water filter installation call us today! At Reynolds Purified Water we can make filter recommendations depending on your TDS levels and water supply. For more information click here for a free quote.