Dealing With Water That Smells Foul


Water is an essential component of life. Without access to fresh water, it can lead to all sorts of issues with your physiology. Unfortunately, there are plenty of household problems that can arise and cause your water to become tainted. Odorous drinking water, for example, is something that many people complain about. If you have noticed a bad smell in your water, generally a sulfuric scent that is reminiscent of rotten eggs, you might be confused. In order to help you, here’s basic information on why your water might be like this.


Generally, this is a problem that can be traced to your hot water heater. When the water sits in the tank for a bit, it becomes prone to different kinds of bacteria. One specific variety, an anaerobic bacteria, does not react well with the chemical compounds found in the tank. These chemicals mix with the bacteria to form an odorous drinking water that is full of hydrogen sulfide gas. This sulfide is exactly what causes the water to be so foul in the first place. Knowing what causes this problem is one step, but you might be curious about what you should do next.


Essentially, you need to have the right professionals come in to take a look at your hot water heater. It is not a design flaw, so you will not get much help from the company that sold you your tank. Instead, it is more of a problem with the water source. If you are dealing with this issue, you have to contact experts who will be able to steer you in the right direction. Make the call soon, as ingesting odorous drinking water is not only disgusting, but it can wind up being dangerous to your health. Do a bit of research on who to contact and soon you will be ready to nip this smelly problem right in the bud.


At Reynolds Purified Water we can test and assess your water quality to determine what is causing the odor, discoloration or staining. To learn more contact us today or click here for a quote.