Are DIY Water Test Kits Effective?


If you have just moved into a new neighborhood, there are a lot of adjustments that have to be made. With a new house, you also have to figure out if there are any changes that need to be made or any upkeep that needs your immediate care. When it comes to the water that comes out of your tap, you might not know anything about it. Some homeowners don’t even consider it. For many that do, they might decide to go for a DIY water test kit. This can help determine the hardness in the water. Is it really effective though?


The truth is that a DIY test will help you determine whether or not the water is hard. However, it can’t tell you everything. In fact, these tests aren’t going to be able to give you the exact number that you need to take the next steps. You’ll be less likely to be able to discuss your options with a professional, given that limited amount of knowledge.


Also, a DIY water test kit can’t test for chlorine, iron or nitrates. These are also important minerals to test for. While a DIY test can give you a good idea of the type of water that you’re dealing with, it can’t give you everything. It may be better for you have more precise answers. The truth is that DIY kits can’t tell you everything. They are great when it comes to figuring out whether or not you have a hard water problem, but odds are you’re going to need a little more information than that.


You don’t want to forget to test your water when you move into a new home. Don’t let it be one of the last things that you think about. After all, water is necessary and you need to make sure that you and your family have the healthiest option possible. For help testing your home’s water, contact us at Reynolds Purified Water today or click here for a free quote!