What You Should Know About Removing Iron Contamination From Your Water

The safety of the water we use in our homes has come a long way since medieval times or even just in the past few decades. However, as the Flint crisis has illustrated over the past few years, America is far from immune to lead, iron and other contaminants in the water. Without an effective iron removal system, not only can high metal content in your water ruin the taste, but it may also lead to various types of metal poisoning. In high doses and over long periods of time, this can prove detrimental. Sometimes it is fatal.

How To Detect It

If you spend a lot of time in the kitchen, one of the problems you may notice is that your food blackens more easily when you cook with unfiltered water from the pipe. This is one of the most telling signs that you may have high iron content in the water. A more accurate way of telling if water is contaminated is to hire professionals to test it. Counties and cities that invest in high water quality for its residents will also include routine testing in its water treatment plan.

How To Remove It

Not all metals are easily removed from water, but technology has advanced to make it easier for homeowners to rid their water of iron and some other metals. All you have to do is install filters in your home that includes an iron removal system. Many homeowners believe this is automatically included in filtration systems, but this belief is false. Always verify this with the manufacturer or the installation company.

Unfortunately, Americans can no longer rely solely on water treatment plants to see to the purity of their water. Sometimes contaminants slip through the cracks, and sometimes the pipes carrying the water are at fault. Protect yourself and your family by investing in an iron removal system today.