Dealing With Water That Smells Foul

  Water is an essential component of life. Without access to fresh water, it can lead to all sorts of issues with your physiology. Unfortunately, there are plenty of household problems that can arise and cause your water to become tainted. Odorous drinking water, for example, is something that many people complain about. If you…

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Keep Your Water Softener Going Strong

  Your water softener plays a vital role in protecting your home and fixtures from the buildup of hard water minerals. If you have ever wondered how to tell when this important system may be malfunctioning or failing, here are a few things you should know.

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The Benefits Of An Iron Removal System For Drinking Water

  Iron is one of the nutrients that are key to human survival. Having a regular supply of iron can keep a person strong and healthy, and prevent iron-deficiency conditions such as anemia. Still, there can be too much of a good thing in life. Iron can sometimes be found in drinking water. In small…

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Can a Water Softener Prolong the Life of Your Appliances?

  If your water contains an unusually high amount of minerals, such as magnesium or calcium, you may be dealing with a “hard water” problem. Hard water impacts your water in a variety of ways, and it can have an especially detrimental impact on your appliances. This water is difficult to treat, and regular municipal…

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Total Dissolved Solids in Your Water

  Clean drinking water is one of our most important resources and it’s important to understand what types of minerals and chemicals are in our water supply. Depending on where your water comes from or if a water filter is used, it may have a certain amount of total dissolved solids in it. There are…

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Acid Neutralizers: How They Work

If you’re finding blue-green stains on your sinks and bathtubs, you may be dealing with water that is slightly acidic. In order to reduce the acidity of your drinking water you can install an acid neutralizer. But first, how can you be sure that your water is acidic? There are a few ways to test…

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Why Do We Chlorinate Drinking Water?

When it comes to your drinking water, it’s likely that chlorine has been added. Reason being is that water that has not been chlorinated may be unsafe to drink. For some homeowners this may raise some questions, which is why we’ve answered the most common water chlorination questions to help you understand the benefits:

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How To Detect Manganese In Your Water Supply

Manganese may sound intimidating and harmful, but in fact it’s quite the opposite. Manganese is a mineral that is naturally present in the earth. It’s actually commonly found in grains and vegetables and is an important part in our diet. However, when manganese is present in our water supply it is often in large amounts,…

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How A Water Softener Works

When it comes to your water supply it’s crucial that it’s clean and pure. Many homes have a hard water supply as opposed to a soft water supply, and many may be confused that hard water is bad water. Hard water isn’t necessarily bad to consume or to use, but it does affect other aspects…

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How A Reverse Osmosis System Can Improve Your Water

The quality of drinking water is very important. Minerals and compounds can build up in water reserves over time, contaminating drinking water to a degree, and creating an unhealthy situation in your home. An excellent way to assure that you have clean drinking water is by investing in a water filter. A reverse osmosis water…

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