The Dangers of Unfiltered Water

When you think of water, you most likely think of refreshment, hydration and the ability to sustain life. This is no surprise, as water is required for anything on our planet to stay alive. It comes as something of a surprise to realize that water can actually cause harm in your plumbing. Unfiltered water can…

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What You Can Do During National Water Quality Month

August is National Water Quality Month and it’s the perfect time to make sure that you have clean drinking water in your home. It’s a good idea to first have your water tested. Even though your water may be treated, it can still have some impurities. In addition, treated water means chlorination which is not…

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Selecting The Best Water Filtration System For Your Home

  If you’ve made the decision that you want to have water filter installation in your home, you may be trying to decide which water purification system is the best for your situation. There are a few different options to consider when determining the best way to get clean water.

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Does Your Water System Need Repairs?

  There are many types of water systems and filtration systems, but they have one characteristic that unifies them: At some time or another, they need to be repaired or replaced. To prevent your system from breaking down, you should be aware of the various warning signs and have your system inspected on a regular…

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How To Tell When You Need A Water Filter

Contaminants of all kinds can creep into your water supply, causing damage to your health and your home. With a water purification system, you are able to filter out these harmful materials and protect what matters. There are several signs to look for to determine if your water needs to be filtered. If you notice…

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Common Well Water Contaminants

Although it is estimated that more than 15 million households in America get their water from private wells, the EPA does not regulate the majority of these water supplies. It is the homeowner’s responsibility to have well water tested to ensure that their drinking water is safe. As such, it is wise to be familiar…

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The Dangers of Water Contaminants

There is a long list of water contaminants that the EPA considers potentially harmful. Standards are enforced through the Safe Drinking Water Act and public water systems are tested at regular intervals, but there may be times when you question the safety of your drinking water and want to test it yourself. Conversely, if your…

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Hard Water vs. Soft Water: What You Need To Know

The water in your home can be classified as either hard or soft, but what does this mean for your home and family? Generally speaking, hard water means you have dissolved minerals present that are above the level of at least 60 mg/L, usually consisting of calcium and magnesium, and hardness above this level can…

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The Benefits Of Getting Your Water Tested

So, why is it so important to test your water? Well, water is one of the most vital things that we consume, which means that the quality should always be up to par. However there are several things you should know about where your water comes from, how the quality is regulated, and when it’s…

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